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These Valentine Bible Stories are a great way to celebrate Valentine season with your students. Each story folds into a Valentine card with the option of three versions of the Bible, NLT, NIV or KJV. Each foldable printable opens up to beautiful illustrations of The Prodigal Son, The Woman at the Well, The Good Shepherd and The Good Samaritan. Once you teach the story, the students can color the pictures and re-tell the story with their own valentine cards. These Valentine Bible stories teach 1 Corinthians 13 with a focus on Love is Patient, Love is Kind, Love is Gentle and Love Forgives.  Celebrate Valentine Season with the Love of Christ with these Valentine Bible Stories and Coloring Sheets


Find these stories and coloring pages and more in a 75 page bundle at Christian Valentine Curriculum Bundle at

Valentine Bible Stories and Coloring Sheets

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